Knitting for children

The Brand new Buttonbag Knitting Kit

You can’t believe how long we’ve been waiting to welcome home our new knitting kit for children. After completely selling out last year –  some time before Christmas, we thought it would be  a good opportunity to redesign it and make it even better. So we added a tape measure, scissors, more buttons and more knitting yarn as well as new packaging. Little did we realise that this process would take quite so long. However we are really pleased with the end result and think it is definately the best Learn how To Knit Kit available.

Everything you need to learn how to knit


Children’s knitting kits are often too complicated. The buttonbag Knitting kit teaches children to cast on, cast off, as well as the basic stitches. The projects are really easy, and most are based on knitting simple squares so children don’t get discouraged by long complex patterns that take ages to finish.

Knitted Pets

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