Leaf and flower pounding

This is a great way to transfer the pigment from flowers and leaves to fabric to create beautiful designs. All you need is some fresh flowers and leaves, some cotton fabric – white works best, and a hammer or a mallet. The resulting patterns can be very detailed and beautiful.


  1. Collect your flowers and leaves ( the fresher the better).
  2. Lay your fabric on a wooden board or thick cardboard.
  3. Arrange the flowers and leaves onto half of your piece of fabric -or onto one piece if you are using two pieces the same size.
  4. Carefully fold the other half of the fabric over, or lay your second piece on top, making sure you don’t disturb your arrangement.
  5. With your hammer or mallet gradually start hammering the flowers and leaves through the fabric. You will see the dye coming through. The more you hammer the more detail becomes visible. Try not to move the flowers as you go, you will find it easier ion you start off quite gently and then hit harder as they become more squashed.
  6. When you think you have hammered all the dye out of the flowers, unfold the fabric and hang up to dry, without removing the squashed flowers, for at least 24 hours.
  7. When dry, remove the flowers and leaves, you might find gently brushing the fabric gets all the bits off. The iron the fabric which helps set the dye.
  8. Admire your beautiful creation!

See our finished creation here:


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