Make Your own Nativity Crib Peg Dolls

Make a peg doll Nativity Scene

Ok –  this won’t be everyone’s cup of yuletide mulled wine, but we love an old-fashioned nativity scene. For me, brought up in an agnostic household and schooled in a 70s/80s  comprehensive (more Carole King than Carols) the crib seemed like a very tangible bit of Christmas.  Our home-made nativity crib makes a good Christmas craft project in the run-up for Christmas. Children love peg dolls too. You can glue the  outfits on if you don’t want to sew. Although there are lots of different characters and fabrics here, you won’t need very much of anything. If you don’t have lots of fabric scraps, you could use an old teeshirt or woolly jumper. You could also cut up an old tee-towel.  Grab some old-fashioned pegs and make a traditional nativity scene using our patterns and instructions.

You will need:

  • Old-fashioned dolly pegs
  • Pipe-cleaners
  • Wool
  • Fabric & Felt scraps for  costumes and animals
  • An empty  toilet roll (for the manger)
  • Scissors, glue, needle & thread

Download the instructions here:

Natvity Scene Instructions

Download the costume patterns here:

Nativity Scene costumes

Download the animal instructions here:

Nativity Scene animals


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