Countdown to Publication of ReCraft

It’s just a couple of weeks now until the official launch of our first craft book, ReCraft, (although it is actually available on our website now –  try  clicking on ReCraft.)

ReCraft - the first Buttonbag book on craft

We started writing the book last summer after we were inspired by a project to create some recycling craft kits for Oxfam.

What we ended up with is a book with more than 50 projects –  all showing you how to turn unwanted second-hand stuff into beautiful things for your friends, family and home.

 It’s a very practical book –  full of picture and photographs and step-by-step instructions. We’ve divided it into chapters on craft projects for the home, things to make for friends, for children, babies and the rest of your family. 


Turn old jumpers into soft toys


Loads of craft projects for home

how to make a decoupage table



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